Testosterone Replacement Therapy Unlocks New Vitality

 Sharper Focus, Better Performance

You aim to be at the top of your game—eating right, hitting the gym, possibly adding supplements to the mix. Yet, if you're still not feeling 100%, it's time to look at Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Don't dismiss it out of hand. The team at New Summit Wellness breaks down how this can affect any man, even at their physical peak. Like any health issue, you've got options for treatment. Unlock your full potential, boost your energy, sharpen your focus, and elevate your performance with our customized treatment plans.


A Trusted Low T Center in Lee's Summit

New Summit Wellness is committed to getting men to their peak performance, and our TRT clinic delivers targeted care in testosterone replacement therapy, designed just for you. Dr. Groner, our top doc, brings years of experience in customizing hormone replacement therapy for men, tackling low testosterone so you can hit your stride.

Check out the symptoms that low testosterone treatment can help with:

Low Energy

Still feel worn out even after a good nights’ sleep? Chronic fatigue is a common symptom caused by low T. Be ready to face the day with enthusiasm and energy as your personalized treatment from New Summit Wellness boosts vitality. 

Hair Loss

Worried your hair loss is beyond your control? TRT treatments can address the underlying cause of hair loss by stimulating hair growth. Stop avoiding the mirror and feel a renewed sense of confidence with testosterone therapy.

Erectile Dysfunction

Personalized TRT plans can be a game-changer in bringing back your zest for intimacy, boosting your well-being. Fire up your connection with your partner with our personalized treatment for low testosterone targeting one of the root causes of ED head-on.

Weight Gain

There is a lot of talk about how hormones or lack thereof can impact weight gain or stall weight loss, usually referring to menopause in women, but guys can experience a similar struggle! TRT can help you lose those pounds you’ve been struggling with & improve your ability to regain muscle and overall physical health. Improved physical health can also help reduce general injury risks and improve performance in many areas. 

Mood Changes

Hormone levels are crucial for your health and mental game, playing a big part in how you tackle your day and its hurdles. Our TRT clinic zeroes in on treatments to get your hormone levels back in line, ensuring you live life at full throttle.

Our Advanced Low Testosterone Treatment

Age is just a number…but as that number climbs, our bodies change, including reduced testosterone levels. TRT, with a personalized plan from New Summit Wellness, is your weapon to combat these effects and restore your energy and confidence. Get ready to greet each morning refreshed and ready to conquer the day with new vigor. Testosterone replacement therapy can help rejuvenate your mood, energy and confidence unlocking the best version of yourself.

Take action now, regain your ability to enjoy life, and enthusiastically jump into your favorite activities or new adventures. Don’t hesitate. The team of experts in our TRT clinic at New Summit Wellness is here to help you discover how testerone therapy can transform your life.

Regain your zest for life and reach your new potential by making an appointment today! 

Common TRT FAQs

  • Common signs of Low T in young males

    A few common signals that a young man may have low testosterone include unexpected muscle mass decreases, lowered libido or unexpected mood swings. 

  • Common signs on Low T in older males

    While fatigue and lowered libido are common indicators of low testosterone, in older In older males, additional symptoms include erectile dysfunction that isn’t attributed to other causes, decreased bone density, and muscle weakness.

  • What causes low testosterone?

    There are a variety of causes of low testosterone like aging, certain medical conditions and medications and genetic dispositions. Testosterone Replacement Therapy can help address these side-effects and help you feel your best. 

  • Do certain foods lower testosterone?

    No direct link between specific foods and lower testosterone levels has been proven, but just like any health issue, a bad diet can mess with various bodily functions. That’s why at New Summit Wellness we emphasize how a balanced diet with a focus on whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean meats helps support naturally healthy hormone levels and improve the chances of success of TRT. Talk to our partnered dietician about meal plans to keep you eating the right foods.

  • What happens when a man's testosterone is low?

    Commonly Low T causes symptoms such as fatigue, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass and loss of bone density which can lead to osteoporosis.

  • What are the risks of Low T?

    Testosterone is similar to motor oil in an engine; it may not be immediately evident, but over time, low testosterone levels cause wear and tear on you both physically and mentally, increasing risks for cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, depression, osteoporosis which can lead to increased risk of broken bones and other health issues. 

  • How do you treat low testosterone?

    Personalized Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), combined with lifestyle changes, is a standard treatment for low testosterone. New Summit Wellness will work with you to create a plan to help rejuvenate your life with a whole-body approach.

  • Does masturbation lower testosterone?

    Simply put, there is nothing currently supporting that masturbation has any negative effect on testosterone levels.

Talk To Our Doctors Today About TRT Today

Let’s make a game plan to reclaim your energy and passion for life. Schedule an appointment with our experienced men’s health clinic team at New Summit Wellness to regain control of your body. 

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