Comprehensive Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

Are you struggling with low energy, experiencing brain fog, or feeling numb? Rest assured it's not your fault. You may be missing out on the vital hormones your body needs to function optimally. That's where Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy comes into play. This professionally guided therapy aims to restore and balance your hormone levels, allowing you to live a longer, healthier, and happier life. Don't let these symptoms hold you back any longer. Take control of your well-being and discover the transformative effects of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy today.

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Treating the Cause vs the Symptoms for Women’s Wellness

Bio-identical hormone therapy is a highly effective approach for women who are dealing with all of the symptoms related to perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. These symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and decreased libido. By using bio-identical hormones, which are derived from natural sources, this therapy helps bring hormonal balance back to the body, addressing concerns such as low testosterone levels, polycystic ovary syndrome, low thyroid function, chronic fatigue, and weight loss struggles. Implemented under the guidance of a professional, bio-identical hormone therapy provides relief and improves the quality of life for women experiencing such symptoms. By restoring hormones to their optimal levels, this therapy can help women regain their vitality, enhance their overall well-being, and regain control of their lives.

Addressing the Root Cause for Treating Andropause

(Male Menopause)

Bio-identical hormone Therapy (BHRT) offers a promising solution for men experiencing a range of distressing symptoms such as low energy, depression, forgetfulness, erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, increased body fat, trouble sleeping, and joint pain, among others. These symptoms can diminish one's overall quality of life and hinder day-to-day functioning. BHRT involves using hormones that are identical in structure to those naturally produced by the body. It aims to restore hormonal balance, leading to improved energy levels, mental clarity, sexual function, and overall well-being. With the help of BHRT, men can regain their vitality, enhance their physical and emotional health, and experience a renewed zest for life. Consider seeking the expertise of our professionals at New Summit Wellness to determine if bio-identical hormone therapy is the right choice for you and take the first step towards a better quality of life.

Products We Use

At New Summit Wellness, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality products to support their well-being. Our range of products includes hormone replacement therapy with bio-identical testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone. These hormones can be administered through intramuscular injections, pellets, creams, or oral forms, allowing for personalized treatment options that suit each individual's needs. 


Other available products include: 

  • Glutathione - a powerful antioxidant that supports detoxification and overall health 
  • Gonadorelin - a medication that helps regulate hormone production (HRT)
  • Semaglutide and Tirzepatide - medications that can assist in appetite control and glucose metabolism
  • Lipotropic injections - support for metabolism and enhance fat reduction 
  • Natural Thyroid products - help regulate thyroid function and address associated symptoms.
  • Ipamorelin and Sermorelin - to stimulate natural growth hormone production 
  • NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) - supplements that support cellular energy production and overall vitality
  • B12 supplements - to enhance energy levels and promote red blood cell production

At New Summit Wellness, we prioritize the professional delivery of these products to ensure our clients receive the best possible care for their health and well-being.

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 Frequently Asked Questions about HRT and Wellness Explained

What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? 

HRT is a treatment option that involves the use of hormones, typically estrogen and progesterone, to address hormonal imbalances in the body. It is commonly used to alleviate menopause symptoms but can also be prescribed for other conditions.

What are the wellness benefits of HRT for menopause? 

Hormone replacement during menopause not only helps women feel better and look younger, it helps them live longer as well!  Studies have shown that when hormone replacement is initiated during the first ten years of menopause, there is a reduction in all-cause mortality or death by any cause.  That is because HRT does some incredible things like reducing cardiovascular disease by 40% so you are less likely to have a heart attack.  It reduces osteoporosis by 50% so you are less likely to break a hip.  It protects the brain and reduces Alzheimer's Dementia and Parkinson’s disease by as much as 70%.  Colon cancer risk is lowered by 50%.  It reduces type 2 diabetes, degenerative arthritis, macular degeneration, and even tooth loss.


How does hormone replacement therapy affect weight loss? 

HRT alone is not a weight loss solution. However, it may indirectly support weight loss efforts by addressing hormonal imbalances that can interfere with metabolism and increase fat storage. By restoring hormonal balance, HRT can create a more favorable environment for weight management.

Are there any specific hormones that are more effective for weight loss during HRT?

Hormone replacement therapy may not be suitable for everyone. It is essential to discuss your medical history, current medications, and any concerns with a healthcare provider before starting HRT. They will evaluate your situation and help determine if hormone replacement therapy is a suitable option for you.

Will HRT increase my risk for breast cancer? 

Many women endure the most challenging symptoms of menopause due to the fear that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase their risk of breast cancer. This concern arose from the findings of the WHI study conducted in the 1990s. However, numerous robust studies conducted since then have debunked this belief. Reevaluations of the data from the WHI study itself have failed to support this notion. We now understand that replacing estrogen and progesterone with bioidentical hormones does not contribute to breast cancer; in fact, it may even have a protective effect. Nevertheless, women who have estrogen-stimulated cancer should exercise caution when considering estrogen supplementation and should only proceed under the guidance and supervision of their oncologist or cancer specialist.

Is there a downside to HRT? 

The benefits of HRT last only as long as replacement is continued.  How long to continue replacement is a very personal and individual decision.  The good news is we know that it is safe to continue HRT for as long as a woman desires to do so. 

What is perimenopause and how does HRT help? 

The perimenopause phase of reproductive life typically begins 10 years before a woman stops having her period.  During this time, women can suffer from issues like hot flashes, fatigue, weight gain, and poor mood.  Much of this is driven by falling testosterone.  Many do not realize that testosterone is a woman’s most abundant sex hormone.  Its level peaks in her 20s and falls to approximately half by the age of 40.  Replacing testosterone in the perimenopause phase can bring welcome relief to a wide range of symptoms related to low T.  Progesterone can also be supplemented to help relieve insomnia and anxiety.  Estrogen replacement is not needed at this time but will become an important consideration later during menopause.

I’ve been in menopause for years; will HRT be of benefit to me? 

Women who have been in menopause for more than 10 years might not realize as many benefits from HRT as younger women but IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO FEEL BETTER!  There is a long list of menopause symptoms that can be lessened or completely avoided with hormone replacement at any age.  They include hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbance, depression, irritability, anxiety, brain fog, vaginal dryness, bladder issues, low libido, increased belly fat, fatigue, hormonal headaches, joint pain, and an overall loss of vitality or feeling of well-being. 

Is HRT beneficial for middle-aged men?

Falling testosterone levels in the late 40s and early 50s is a fact of life for many men.  The symptoms of low T can be miserable and include fatigue, low stamina, joint pain, loss of strength and muscle mass, weight gain, irritability, depression, and an overall decrease in feelings of well-being.  Add to that low libido and erectile dysfunction and life is not much fun.  Replacing low testosterone can improve or completely alleviate all of these symptoms.

Did you know that addressing low testosterone levels can lead to a longer life? Testosterone replacement therapy has several positive effects on the body. It can help decrease visceral fat (deep belly fat), lower diastolic blood pressure, improve serum cholesterol levels, and reduce insulin resistance. These factors collectively contribute to improved cardiovascular health.

Furthermore, testosterone replacement therapy can also increase bone mass and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It has shown the potential to decrease amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's dementia and even protect against prostate cancer. These significant benefits contribute to the observation that testosterone replacement therapy can reduce overall mortality or the risk of death from any cause.

Is there a downside to testosterone replacement for men? 

Testosterone replacement therapy may lead to infertility as it can hinder sperm production. Although it is not considered a dependable form of contraception, men who wish to father children should refrain from using testosterone supplements. If your reproductive plans change while undergoing testosterone replacement therapy, there is no guarantee that your sperm production will return to normal, and it may take up to a year to do so. Furthermore, while testosterone itself does not cause prostate cancer, men with active prostate cancer should only undergo testosterone therapy with the consent and supervision of their oncologist.

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